there is hope no matter the time

Are you stuck in a pit of Grief? You can return to life from loss...

You don’t have to journey through grief alone; I am here to give you the missing tools you need to take actionable steps toward your own recovery. 

Grief Recovery Specialist

Meet John

My role is to offer support and aid in the journey of grief recovery by offering one-on-one personal support, or in a group format.  

"...fueled by my passion for aiding others, I pursued certification as a Grief Recovery Method specialist."

John Pignone-Reed
Grief Recovery Specialist, Certified by The Grief Recovery Instutite

Solutions For Everyone

Discover our wide array of services, meticulously designed to offer personalized solutions for every business need, regardless of industry or scale.

Family Relationships

Death, Divorce, Separation.


Trauma, Injustice, Crime


Child loss, Miscarriage, Infertility.


Terminal / Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain.

Free Consultation

Seeking help is a deeply personal decision and it is essential that you feel comfortable and safe with your grief counselor. 

In our exploratory call, we can talk openly and sincerely to get to know each other, and explore your needs. This is the starting point to determine the best program for this moment in your life. This call has no cost and you can decide how to continue.


Do You Have Any Questions?

Explore our frequently asked questions for quick insights, or reach out to us directly with any specific inquiries you might have – we’re here to help!

There is no magic formula for ending grief. Grief will run its course. I’m here to help guide you through grieving in a productive way. There are techniques to help you recover and get back to your life.

This is a very common feeling. Unfortunately, while your friends may want to help, those who have not experienced loss will struggle to truly empathize with you. Each loss is unique. It takes work and I’m here to help you work through your feelings.

Seeking help is a deeply personal decision and it is essential that you feel comfortable and safe with your grief counselor. I offer a free introductory phone consultation so we can talk a bit and determine if we work well together.