Thank you for your Visit!

Greetings and a warm welcome! Your presence here is truly appreciated. I’m John Pignone-Reed, and like many, I’ve faced significant losses in my life. My aim is to assist you or your loved ones in navigating through grief and returning to life after loss through in-person Grief Recovery Method® sessions available in Pasco and Pinellas Counties.

My role is to offer support and aid in the journey of grief recovery.

While I can’t fully comprehend the depth of your or your loved one’s emotions following a loss, I can assure you that you are not alone in this.

You might wonder, what qualifies John to speak on Grief Recovery? Allow me to share my personal voyage through the Grief Recovery Method®…

In 2014, I experienced what I considered to be the most profound loss of my life when I lost my beloved mother, Marie, to lung cancer. My journey began when I became her caregiver after her diagnosis in late 2013. Witnessing her transformation from a strong and resilient woman to someone frail from illness shattered me. My mother was my rock, the most influential and loving figure in my life. Her nurturing, teachings, love, and protection shaped me profoundly. Her absence left an indescribable void that consumed me for a long time.

Besides my mother’s loss, I, like many others, endured various other losses. My coping mechanism involved convincing myself of being strong enough to handle it all or suppressing my emotions to appear strong for others. I indulged in unhealthy habits like overeating and overspending, unaware of how to cope with grief. Our society lacks adequate guidance on dealing with grief, often leading to misinformation.

In 2014, shortly after losing my mother, my sister and I discovered the Grief Recovery Method®. Through group sessions and emotional introspection, we identified the root causes of our grief and learned tools to find new meaning in life. We realized that despite the differences in our losses, we all shared a common struggle due to societal misconceptions about grief, such as the belief that time alone heals. We learned that taking proactive steps is key to recovery. Armed with these tools, I gradually overcame the overwhelming sadness and pain, paving the way for my recovery.

In 2023, fueled by my passion for aiding others, I pursued certification as a Grief Recovery Method specialist. It was a natural progression for me to share the actionable steps that helped me emerge from my own grief. I derive immense joy from assisting others in discovering their path to recovery. Through my journey and expertise, I strive to instill hope and guide others in returning to life from loss.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to assist you soon.

I am currently facilitating, in-person Grief Recovery Method® sessions in New Port Richey, FL and surrounding areas in Pasco and Pinellas Counties. I offer Grief Recovery Method® Grief Support Groups (in person), Grief Support 1 on 1 (in person), and Pet Loss Support Groups (in person).

Free Consultation

Seeking help is a deeply personal decision and it is essential that you feel comfortable and safe with your grief counselor. I offer a free introductory phone consultation so we can talk a bit and determine if we work well together.

Message me on Instagram.